I haven't felt compelled to blog about Healthcare Reform or Obama's plummeting "Approval Rating" until today. You see, I believe that when we elect officials, Representatives, Speakers, Senators and even our President we assume responsibility for our choice. Once the choice is made, we can not only sit back and let the plot unfold; we must join in the movement to have our dreams realized. Suffice to say, we don't live in a perfect world and we don't elect perfect politicians, but we must make our best choice with hopes that our best will become better still.
The fact of the matter is that we live in a society, a capitalistic society, that operates on a barter system. There can be no progress without coming to a consensus where both sides, big business and government, feel like they are gaining a little more than what they came to the table with. Although this may not be the reality we want to face, it is indicative of a quote we can all relate to: "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours..."
In this democratic process, there has to be a space where we respect, appreciate and sympathize with the needs of at the very least our children, if not our overall society. Although, we may not have the perfect solution to a quite stinging problem; we have to start somewhere and sometime. Fortunately, that place is America and the time is now.
How can we call ourselves the leader in societal, political and economic standards when we continue to fail in making domestic advancements that have been ignored for far too long? I find it interesting that most people are bound by lies, fabrications and manipulations concerning the details of Healthcare Reform and that some liberals, who were hoping for immediate gratification, are plastering conspiracy theories all over the internet.
In this country, we all have the right to our opinions and the Freedom of Speech; but, when do we start to tally our own "Approval Ratings?" Have we thought about how we can help accomplish the needs of our communities, our society, our country? Have we taken the time to inform ourselves on the details and intricacies of our Healthcare proposal? Are we open to the possibilities of a movement that will set us out in a brighter direction? Have we assumed responsibility for our personal healthcare? Our children's healthcare?
Too often, we find ourselves waiting, wishing and hoping for Change; as we eagerly submit our votes on how well or not so well our elected officials....our bosses....our teachers.....our community organizers....our pastors.....are doing. Over the last few years, I've come to appreciate that it is the individual parts that make up the whole; and, each part should be a reflection of the whole. Now that we have agreed that reform is needed, the work must begin to make this vision our surmountable destination. Is it not the results that judges one's action? It's unfortunate that the results of Obama's "Approval Rating" have already been tallied.
Are we playing our part?
Are we seeing the results? Or....
Are we sitting in judgement as we watch someone else be a-part of the solution?
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