Thursday, September 24, 2009

Love is Everywhere, Love is Nowhere, Love is Me with You

Love is like an hourglass, with the heart being filled as the brain is emptied-Jules Renard

Jules Renard, an 18th century wordsmith, captures my discovery of love best with this quote. I am no expert on finding love, but my experiences may qualify me to share a thing or two on matters of the heart.

From the moment we are born, women are conditioned to believe that we will be swept away by our "knight in shining armor;" and, together we will live "happily ever after". After my first real date in college, I realized that my "knight in shining armor" was a bit nervous and socially awkward. He forgets to pull out the chair at dinner, doesn't have much conversation unless I'm asking the questions and seems to be daydreaming about whether or not he will get a goodnight kiss. At different points in our lives, we realize that "love" may mean different things to different people. For me, two hearts coming together in Love should be exciting, euphoric, romanitc and most importantly an opportunity to grow together in ectasy.

After a few disappointments in dating, I decided it was time to take a little self inventory. I discovered that my heart and mind were in conflict over what the act of "love" means. My mind says that a man should only court me with the intentions of getting married. But, our courtship allotted him just enough time to prove whether he's the "best" man for the job. If he doesn't prove worthy enough; I shall move on to the next potential suitor. How selfish the mind can be?

However, my heart knew better. It knows that love is best experienced when two people are fulfilled; not limited by responsibility, flowers, candle lit dinners and exotic trips to show their love. All of these things can be flattering; however, they mostly appeal to ego and pride rather than the heart. I feel the most loved when my lover tells me the truth I need to hear, makes me laugh on those days when I can hardly break a smile and celebrates my "flaws" because they have and continue to make our love stronger. In short, the love I deserve can not be expressed with temporal, feeting forms of affection because the love I give is worth much more than the treausures found in my jewelry box.

It's the "branding" of love that makes us feel lonely and unwanted as we sit on the couch watching "The Way We Were" drowning in our own tears.The more we fall out of love with "love" and fall in love with ourselves, we begin to see that love has been there all along: uplifitng, nurturing, strengthening, inspiring and preparing us for its reflection in another. Love is not necessarily found; It graciously becomes clearer over time.

Unconditional in acceptance and admiration.....

Love is Everywhere, Love is Nowhere, Love is You....

....with Me....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Natalie Grant (the Christian pop artist for those who aren't familiar) tweeted a prayer request that every mother must answer to. She drew my attention to a beautiful little girl, Kate, who has a brain tumor that has drastically shaken the lives of her and her family. Her story is not too unfamiliar as my husband and I know the uncertainty that the McRae's are feeling at this hour.

Born on October 29, 2007, our newborn babygirl was the light of our eyes. As far as we knew, she was as healthy as could be and we would be taking her home in just a day and a half. Unfortunately, October 30th hit us with a disheartning reality, the nurse detected that Saadia was seizuring during her 24 hr. check up. She was immediately sent to NICU and after running a few tests, drawing blood and adminstering antibiotics; we found out that our babygirl suffered a mild stroke during labor. As the doctor gave me vague details about my daughter's condition, tears ran down my face and my mind raced with questions that only time would answer.

After a week and a half, Saadia proved strong and healthy enough to be released. Finally, our daughter was able to be home with us!! She was prescribed medication for a month and a half (as a preventative measure for the seizures) and we scheduled a follow-up visit with her neurologist. We were pleased or shall I say relieved to find out that the blood clot was in a region of the brain that "could possibly" afffect her motor skills on the left side of her body. I am proud and thankful to report that Saadia has since outgrown the seizures and her motor skills are on target.

Needless to say, our prayers are with Kate and her family. As parents with a child who may have known a childhood filled with surgeries, therapy and neurological treatment; we know and can appreciate the pain the McRae's are going through, the prayers that they need and the encouragement we can give them. Only by faith, prayer and support were we able to get through this scary time. I ask that you give Kate and her family the strength to do the same.

Pleas visit to learn more about the McRae's and their special little girl. Your support means more than you can imagine. Their hearts may be weary and their minds may be fearful, but the Spirit is resilient and ever healing.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is your "Approval Rating?"

I haven't felt compelled to blog about Healthcare Reform or Obama's plummeting "Approval Rating" until today. You see, I believe that when we elect officials, Representatives, Speakers, Senators and even our President we assume responsibility for our choice. Once the choice is made, we can not only sit back and let the plot unfold; we must join in the movement to have our dreams realized. Suffice to say, we don't live in a perfect world and we don't elect perfect politicians, but we must make our best choice with hopes that our best will become better still.

The fact of the matter is that we live in a society, a capitalistic society, that operates on a barter system. There can be no progress without coming to a consensus where both sides, big business and government, feel like they are gaining a little more than what they came to the table with. Although this may not be the reality we want to face, it is indicative of a quote we can all relate to: "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours..."

In this democratic process, there has to be a space where we respect, appreciate and sympathize with the needs of at the very least our children, if not our overall society. Although, we may not have the perfect solution to a quite stinging problem; we have to start somewhere and sometime. Fortunately, that place is America and the time is now.

How can we call ourselves the leader in societal, political and economic standards when we continue to fail in making domestic advancements that have been ignored for far too long? I find it interesting that most people are bound by lies, fabrications and manipulations concerning the details of Healthcare Reform and that some liberals, who were hoping for immediate gratification, are plastering conspiracy theories all over the internet.

In this country, we all have the right to our opinions and the Freedom of Speech; but, when do we start to tally our own "Approval Ratings?" Have we thought about how we can help accomplish the needs of our communities, our society, our country? Have we taken the time to inform ourselves on the details and intricacies of our Healthcare proposal? Are we open to the possibilities of a movement that will set us out in a brighter direction? Have we assumed responsibility for our personal healthcare? Our children's healthcare?

Too often, we find ourselves waiting, wishing and hoping for Change; as we eagerly submit our votes on how well or not so well our elected officials....our bosses....our teachers.....our community organizers....our pastors.....are doing. Over the last few years, I've come to appreciate that it is the individual parts that make up the whole; and, each part should be a reflection of the whole. Now that we have agreed that reform is needed, the work must begin to make this vision our surmountable destination. Is it not the results that judges one's action? It's unfortunate that the results of Obama's "Approval Rating" have already been tallied.

Are we playing our part?

Are we seeing the results? Or....

Are we sitting in judgement as we watch someone else be a-part of the solution?