Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Great Expectations: Man in the Mirror

In the name of abandoning all Expectations, I have snuggled, cuddled and found a euphoric nook with my Standards.

As I lie here, in the purest intimacy, I've never felt so content with the unknown variables that are my future. I realize that setting high standards for myself has nothing to do with my Expectations and everything to do with my Self Awareness. We tend to believe that Standards and Expectations go hand in hand; yet, they are much like Oil and Water.

Let's explore this for a moment. When the closest, dearest people to our hearts disappoint us, we tend to feel consumed with questions like "How could he do this?" "He couldn't care about me?" "How can I call him a friend after this?" "How would he feel if I did the same to him? "After a tiresome effort of analyzing their actions, we begin to pass judgement on the person or have a person outside of the situation attempt to answer our questions. Once we build up the courage, we may even confront the person we feel betrayed by.

Imagine this scenario if we were to allow our disappointments to renew our commitment to our Standards rather than impose our unrealistic Expectations on people that are merely Beautifully Human. As with any commitment, there is an element of personal growth that can not be ignored. Instead of buying into the misconception that you were failed by this person embrace the moment to welcome the idea that our level of success (in building healthy relationships) is directly proportionate to how many times we take the risk to fail.

Failure is what you make it. If we allow it to help us see beyond our selfish desires, we will be amazed at how our Standards begin to replace others' Expectations as their Expectations are replaced by our Standards.

Join me in starting with the Man in the Mirror.....

As we share in the Great Exchange......

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