Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let's Get Uncomfortable

My uncle and I shared in an amazing exchange the other day. I haven't been able to stop thinking about the carefulness of his words and the delicacy of his questions; Yet, they were Thunderous in their Intent and Lightning in the unveiling of Truth. The Truth about Marriage, Family and Love. In the moment, I didn't realize that this duality gave the me courage to share, but also made me uncomfortable enough to stay the course in the name of my commitment. After we hung up, I jumped in a pool of Patience.......a lake of Love.......a river of an ocean of Offering.

I see now that I've been too comfortable for too long. I understand that I shield my heart from Love because I am afraid to feel the pain. I'm clear on the fact that I have been selfish, even in giving, because I gave in lieu of completely giving my heart. I was so obsessed with getting it right ; I lost sight of what Commitment requires. It requires Discomfort.

Commitment is a testament to our character. In it, we find out what we're made of, what stirs our Souls, we experience Life more abundantly, we even end up alone in a dark closet to drown in our own tears, we give of ourselves freely in the interest of maintaining something greater than ourselves. We do it not to have it done for us. We do it in the name of Love, God's Love (although, we may not even be cognizant of it).

Only on the roughest terrain and in the stoniest places can we experience the Joy of Spiritual Truth. Our Creator has given us a myriad of things to take refuge in. He knew that there will come a time where we needed words of comfort because we were uncomfortable. He knew that we would encounter obstacles, we would create our own mess, and others would bring chaos into our lives. We can't run away. We must stay and live to fight another day.

For the storms surely do pass and the sun most certainly will shine brighter than before.

I'll close with one of my personal favorites, my poem:

Ripples in the Rain

Have you ever watched ripples in the rain?

The energy spreads and disappears never
Leaving a stain, yet they trace the tears and
Fears of yesterday’s pain. Wearing away at the
Sounds of even Billie Holiday’s blues. Dispensing
from clouds of darkness, filling the deepest of
pools, remnants that always seem to
overflow in tomorrow’s news.

Have you ever watched ripples in the rain?

In all of its molecules it takes form in many drops
With it may come thunder that stirs and stops
Yet, they are powerful enough to make fools out of
Me and you or bring life to what was once doomed.
Nature in all its duty reflects a path of life in which
We must all choose.

Have you ever watched ripples in the rain?

Or listened to the rhythm that beats on the pave
Singing tunes of a heart that’s been abused, used
And now is enraged. Longing to be left out to dry, but
Can’t seem to escape it’s tendency to be shy. Now it’s
You time to stand up and proclaim
“I wanna go outside in the rain!”

When I watch ripples in the rain…..I feel a Spirit that
Has come to restore, a day of peace before the sun
Shines brighter than before….The creation of condensation
That once clouded my view, but now I can see beyond
The heaviest of dew. A liquid that washes away at the
The Earthly strains that get in the way of me living
Life more abundantly and keeps me saying

Have you ever watched ripples in the rain?

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